This page introduces Arch Research's contributions to ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2021

About ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2021

The 14th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia will take place in Tokyo, Japan at Tokyo International Forum. The annual event, which rotates around the Asian region, attracts the most respected technical and creative people from all over the world who are excited by research, science, art, animation, gaming, interactivity, education and emerging technologies.

Official website

R&D for Anime Production: State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects
Featured Sessions, TIF Hall C, 2021/12/16 13:00-14:00 JST

The global attention to "anime" expression is exceptionally high, and its digitized production process has significantly raised the importance of R&D. This session will discuss its current status and prospects.

Jun proposed the session that was accepted as one of the featured sessions at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2021. He will participate in this session with Yuki Koyama (Graphinica, Inc., AIST), Tatsuo Yotsukura (OLM Digital, Inc.), and Koya Imamura (Toei Animation Co., Ltd.).

After Report

This featured session started with a brief introduction of the current anime production workflow, followed by the self-introduction of four presenters whose affiliations have invested in research and development (R&D) for a better anime production pipeline and more creative anime storytelling. These introductions highlighted both shared and different goals in their R&D effort.

Then, the session covered various topics from Google Docs that summarized lessons learned from the interviews with six industry experts. Finally, the session concluded with the future prospects.

Slides are available for downloads below.

© SIGGRAPH Asia 2021



Self / Company Introduction

Jun Kato
Arch Inc.
Yuki Koyama
Graphinica Inc.
Tatsuo Yotsukura
OLM Digital, Inc.
Koya Imamura
Toei Animation Co., Ltd.

Official websiteOfficial program

Real-Time Live!
TIF Hall C, 2021/12/17 10:30-12:30 JST

Real-Time Live! (RTL) is one of the experiences that makes it unique and a must-attend event, where the best of the best in real-time graphics and interactivity come together for a live competition and share their innovations. Jun serves as the RTL Chair for ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2021.

  • The third edition at SIGGRAPH Asia attracted many submissions and selected a record number of nine stunning demonstrations among them. (56% acceptance rate)
  • Reflecting on the conference theme "live," this year’s demonstrations feature cutting-edge projects focusing on "lively interactions" that can only happen on the stage.
  • The demonstrations span exceptionally diverse and fascinating topics, including creativity support tools and technologies for animation films and three-dimensional models, state-of-the-art technologies in projection mapping and virtual production, and novel augmented reality applications to sports, education, and cultural activities.

For more details including the list of the presenters, please refer to the official website.

Real-Time Live! Program Committee

Jun Kato (Chair)
Tomohiko Mukai
Masaya Takeshige
Sally Slade
Jessica Cauchard

Official websiteAwardees

About Arch Research

Arch Research is Arch Inc.'s research and development team that envisions the future of animation from three perspectives:

Human-Computer Interaction

Empowering animation creators with information technology.

Global Research

Studying anime in its own right in collaboration with researchers around the globe.

Third Place

Creating an inclusive, liminal space to gather and envision the future of animation.


Added slides and after report
Added photos
Added slides used in the featured session
Launched the web page for SIGGRAPH Asia 2021